Mega Challah Bake

The Jewish Women’s Circle presents the 9th Annual


Thursday, May 16 | 6:00 PM
at Chabad Center for Jewish Life,  3014 Lakeshore Avenue

Treat yourself to an unforgettable evening!

Unite with Jewish women from across the community to discover the technique, significance and beauty of the mitzvah of Challah. Create two delicious loaves of Challah and enjoy an uplifting program, featuring gourmet refreshments, exclusive raffles and more!

Prepaid registration required. Couvert: $30 before May 6 | $36 after.

Buy raffle tickets for exclusive prizes! Prize drawing to be held at the conclusion of event.

For women & girls over 10.

C L I C K   H E R E   T O  R E S E R V E

Mega Challah Bake Hosts Committe List:

Ronit April Varga
Adva Ben Lulu
Mindy Berla
Miriam Erickson
April Gruber
Danielle Horowitz
Amy Kelly
Danielle Kerr
Faith Kramer
Zoe Levine-Lenhoff
Shulamis Labkowski
Silvia Matta
Michelle McGilloway
Yasmine Oiknine
Rachel Piperno
Susan Seeley
Hila Shimshi
Shira Uzan
Juliana Wise
Denise Yasinow

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