Security Campaign

Security is a top priority at Chabad. We are in regular communication with the Oakland Police Department, security organizations and members of our community, about the necessary and proactive steps we can take to ensure our community is safe. 

In addition to an annual security assessment with local law enforcement and security measures at our center, we have armed security at services and events. 

The cost for security at Chabad exceeds $40,000 annually.

Let’s join together as a community and keep our families and community safe. Please consider joining our security funds with a monthly contribution, or making a one time donation of any amount you are comfortable with. We are grateful for your support and partnership throughout the year, and ask that this gift be in addition to any other contributions. With the unfortunate reality of rising anti-Semitism and incidents of violence in the recent past, our center must be secure and safe for our families. All funds raised will be used exclusively for security.

Please help us be proactive with a contribution earmarked for the security fund below.  Please write: Security fund in the “contribution note” box below.

 in the May G-d continue to watch over us and provide a safe and secure place for us all to learn, pray and celebrate our Judaism.



Total Amount
You can specify the number of installments, or you can leave the number of installments blank if you want to make an open-ended commitment. In either case, you can choose to cancel at any time.
Personal Details
Billing Name and Address