Join us for the largest Tu B’Av celebration with young adults from across the Bay Area connecting in a gorgeous Palo Alto Estate. The Talmud marks Tu B’av as the happiest day of the year. What better way to celebrate this joyous festival than with the Bay Area’s young JewishContinue Reading

Celebrate a great year of Cteen Oakland with an amazing end of year event! Let’s Bake Challah! Everything You Knead to Know Create Collage Artwork * Enjoy a Delicious Dinner Win Amazing Raffle Prizes  * Celebrate Your Jewish Pride FREE OF CHARGE! RSVP Required! For Jewish Teens ages 13-17Continue Reading

March 21 – 24, 2023 How We Celebrate Purim Thursday, March 21   Fast of Esther Begins: 5:47am Morning Services 7:00am     Mincha & “Half Shekel”: 7:00pm   Maariv & Fast Ends 7:49pm      Motzei Shabbat, March 23   Shabbat Ends 8:03pm Maariv 8:30pm YJP Purim 8:45pm MegillahContinue Reading

The History of Chabad in Oakland dates back to the turn of the century when Rabbi Shlomo DovBer and Hadasah Goldberg immigrated from Russia to Oakland in 1900. In 1908 Rabbi Ephraim and Rachel Garfinkle moved to Oakland from San Francisco after the 1906 earthquake. They and a group ofContinue Reading