5th Annual Oakland Car Menorah Parade Tuesday, DECEMBER 31, 2024 | 5:30pm Start at Chabad of Oakland, 3014 Lakeshore Ave. Followed by Menorah Lighting & refreshments outside Chabad Drive through the streets of Oakland with Menorah topped cars & music Every car will receive a party box to enjoy duringContinue Reading

Join us for an incredible TGIS Shabbat Dinner as CTeen worldwide unites to celebrate this one special Shabbat together. The weekend of Nov. 12 is the international CTeen TGIS (Thank G-D It’s Shabbat) event where all chapters around the world will be celebrating this Shabbat together in their own location.Continue Reading

Spice & Spirit Workshop with Faith Kramer, author of the new cookbook, 52 Shabbats – Friday Night Dinners Inspired by a Global Jewish Kitchen Monday, January 31 at 7:30pm at Chabad of Oakland Join us for an exciting evening as you mix your way to spice heaven and create exoticContinue Reading

A Course for Women Taught by Shulamis Labkowski Join a wonderful group of Jewish women for a monthly night together of inspiration, friendship, and growth! Seven Tuesdays at 8:00pm, Starting Nov. 9, 2021 In-Person with Zoom option available Tuition: $125 for full course. Includes student book. Scroll down to register.Continue Reading

Soulmates Jewish Secrets to Meaningful Relationships Romantics of all ages have waxed poetic on the notion of “soulmates,” seeking to grasp what makes love and passion so potent, what drives the inexplicable magnetism between two people, and what makes true love last. Yet millennia of Jewish text and tradition areContinue Reading

Rav Dovid Labkowski Shlita Dayan & Moreh Tzedek | דיין ומורה צדק Born and raised in New York City, Rav Labkowski received his Bachelor of Talmudic Law (BTL) and Master of Rabbinic Studies (MRb) law degrees from the Central Yeshiva Tomchei Tmimim Lubavitz in Brooklyn. He received his Rabinical OrdinationContinue Reading