7 Things You Can Do for Israel Now Help by taking an action from this list, and by sharing it with family, friends and colleagues The updates from Israel are deeply distressing. More than 1,400 people murdered, thousands injured, and over 220 individuals abducted by terrorists. In the coming days,Continue Reading

A series of Selichot (“supplication”) prayers, recited in preparation for the “Days of Awe” of Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur. The actual Selichot are a collage of Torah verses and poetically written Hebrew works in which we ask G‑d to forgive us on a personal and communal level. An oft-repeatedContinue Reading

  The High Holidays are right around the corner, and that means it’s time for some hands-on holiday learning, with excitement and fun! The Rosh Hashanah Street Fair comes to Chabad of Oakland, filled with special stalls and activities for children to enjoy. Visit each of our “vendors” to bakeContinue Reading

פדיון כפרות לשנה טובה ומוצלחת מנהג ישראל מאת האר”י ז”ל הקדוש לערוך לפני יום כיפור פדיון כפרות, מנהג זה הוא סגולה לשנה טובה ומוצלחת בגשמיות וברוחניות. לוקחים בערב יום כיפור תרנגול לכפרות, ולאחר מכן נותנים את התרנגול לצדקה. מי שאינו משיג תרנגול יכול לעשות כפרות בכסף, ולתת את הכסף לצדקה.Continue Reading

Security is a top priority at Chabad. We are in regular communication with the Oakland Police Department, security organizations and members of our community, about the necessary and proactive steps we can take to ensure our community is safe.  In addition to an annual security assessment with local law enforcement andContinue Reading

Get in touch with your inner artist as you design a magnificent resin Mezuzah while sipping on fine rosé wine and enjoying delicious bites! Tuesday, June 20 | 7:30pm at Chabad Center for Jewish Life | 3014 Lakeshore Avenue $20 before June 12 | $25 after Reservation required. An EveningContinue Reading

An Evening in Yemen with Doreet Jehassi Owner of Palo Alto’s popular Ma’Lawa Bar Sunday, November 6 | 7:00pm Chabad of Oakland | 3014 Lakeshore Avenue Enter the world of Yemen! Explore the stories and rich culture of Yemenite Jews, while learning how to make authentic Malawach. Enjoy with mouth-wateringContinue Reading