Chabad Jewish Center Volunteer Sign Up The Chabad Jewish Center provides an array of adult education, social events & community programs each month to support and enrich our community.  Please take some time to review this information form and indicate how you can volunteer to help with this year’s programming.  We appreciateContinue Reading

A special place for mother and child (ages 0-3) to spend quality time together in a warm Jewish environment. The Mommy & Me program brings the holidays and traditions to life with age-appropriate activities and tactile, hands-on Jewish themed play. Jewish music gets the little ones clapping along. Toys, propsContinue Reading

Address: Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland 3014 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610 USA Map and Directions Ph:  510-545-6770 Personnel : Rabbi Dovid Labkowski Co-director Mrs. Shulamis Labkowski Co-directorContinue Reading

Meet and mingle with new + old friends while enjoying great food, song, and celebration! Kiddush & drinks followed by delicious Shabbat dinner with delicious homemade challah, salads, sides, and more. Includes open bar! Third Friday of every monthContinue Reading

Feed Your Mind…Nourish Your Soul…Delight Your Senses… The Jewish Women’s Circle brings together Jewish women of all ages and backgrounds to learn, laugh, and rejuvenate mind, body and soul. Our meetings feature meaningful discussions, engaging activities,  delicacies to taste, a chance to socialize, and the opportunity to meet new friends.Continue Reading

Chabad’s vital community work is made possible by the generosity of local individuals. Chabad Oakland serves the entire Jewish community, regardless of background, affiliation, or financial means. We are funded solely by the community. Your tax-deductible contribution goes a long way to enable us to serve the community. To donate withoutContinue Reading

  Chabad Oakland is an innovative, inclusive, Jewish outreach organization dedicated to fostering a vibrant and engaged community in Oakland. We unite Jews of all ages, backgrounds and degrees of observance as we explore together – through study, dialogue and experience – the beauty and splendor of Jewish life, ideasContinue Reading

Drawing inspiration from the weekly Torah portion and Jewish holidays, The Jack London Square Lunch & Learn series are relevant, insightful and a refreshing break in the midst of a fast-paced work day. This weekly study group is held on Tuesdays, from 12:00 pm – 1:00 pm, at Friedkin Investments 480Continue Reading