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Join our newsletter for weekly updates, events and announcements.Continue Reading
Dear Friend, Chabad proudly serves our community with loving kindness. This survey will give us a better idea of how we can serve you best. As you answer the following questions, please remember, we keep all responses confidential. Rabbi Dovid & Shulamis LabkowskiContinue Reading
The CHABAD CENTER FOR JEWISH LIFE!Building the Future of Jewish Life in the East Bay. Together. After purchasing the Chabad Center for Jewish Life, we have launched a building campaign! This spacious building, located at 3014 Lakeshore Avenue in Oakland, will allow for hundreds more men, women and children toContinue Reading
Chabad center for Jewish life is a 8,200 sq ft building in the center of Oakland, situated in the Grand Lake neighborhood near the beautiful Lake Merritt. As you come in to our space you will surely feel the love and warmth! We are open for you to come inContinue Reading
Jewish Holidays and Festivals. Explanations, observances, study, guide and multimedia to all major and minor Jewish holidays and fast days.Continue Reading
Kosher Food OAKLAND KOSHER FOODS / ABBA HUMMUS / NY DELI3419 Lakeshore Avenue, Oakland, CA 94610(510) 839-0177 • oaklandkosherfoods.comKashrus: Vaad Hakashrus of Northern California BAY KOSHER3477 Golden Gate Way, Lafayette, CA 94549(925) 40-1226Kashrus: Chabad of Lamorinda SABRA GRILL419 Grant Ave. (2nd Floor), S. Francisco, CA 94103(415) 982-3656 • Sabragrill.comKashrus: VaadContinue Reading
Jewish Services Mezuzot Checking A Mezuzah is so much more than a piece of parchment rolled into a scroll. Since the Mezuzah acts as our own personal guardian, alert at all times, it’s important to ensure that it is always in top condition. We will check your Mezuzot at anyContinue Reading
The Chabad Jewish Center provides an array of adult education, social events & community programs each month to support and enrich our community. Please take some time to review this information form and indicate how you can volunteer to help with this year’s programming. We appreciate your efforts on behalf of Chabad.Continue Reading
Chabad Jewish Center Volunteer Sign Up The Chabad Jewish Center provides an array of adult education, social events & community programs each month to support and enrich our community. Please take some time to review this information form and indicate how you can volunteer to help with this year’s programming. We appreciateContinue Reading
© Copyright 2006-2025 by Chabad Jewish Center of Oakland Inc. A registered 501c(3) Non Profit organization