Hamantash Bake
The Jewish Women’s Circle presents The Virtual Hamantash Bake! Optional Hamantash Bake kits available. RSVP to reserve your kit.Continue Reading
The Jewish Women’s Circle presents The Virtual Hamantash Bake! Optional Hamantash Bake kits available. RSVP to reserve your kit.Continue Reading
Note: The deadline for submissions is 7:00am (Oakland time) on April 22, 2024. After that time try selling with Chabad Rabbi in Hawaii by clicking here.Continue Reading
Let’s close out the Passover holiday together with a special farewell meal. Enjoy wine and matzah, discuss words of Torah and inspirational stories, sing Chassidic melodies, and find out why this day has a special energy related to the coming of Moshiach. April 30, from 7:30 pm at Chabad WhatContinue Reading
The Jewish Women’s Circle presents the 9th Annual MEGA CHALLAH BAKE Thursday, May 16 | 6:00 PMat Chabad Center for Jewish Life, 3014 Lakeshore Avenue Treat yourself to an unforgettable evening! Unite with Jewish women from across the community to discover the technique, significance and beauty of the mitzvah ofContinue Reading
R E S E R V EContinue Reading
Reserve below for event and raffles.Continue Reading
Crown Heights, Brooklyn, The Urban ShtetleMarch 1-3 2019. Thousands of cities. 110 countries. Millions of lives impacted. Global ramifications.And it all stems from the tiny, unassuming neighborhood of Crown Heights, Brooklyn.What’s the secret of this neighborhood? How has it produced tens of thousands of international leaders, entrepreneurs, and pioneers fromContinue Reading
This course sheds light on the mysteries surrounding biblical interpretation. How do we know that our interpretation is true? If it is true, why are there differences of opinion? And with so many interpretations, how do we know which one reflects its true intent? Discover the elegance of the “sourceContinue Reading
East Bay • AlamedaJewishalameda.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Meir & Mushki Shmotkin(510) 640-2590 • BerkeleyChabadberkeley.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Yehudah & Miriam Ferris(510) 540-5824 Student CenterJewishucb.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Gil & Bracha Leeds(310) 402-1163 • BrentwoodJewishdelta.comRabbi & Rebbetzin Peretz & Mashie Goldshmid (925) 238-8770 • Castro ValleyJewishcastrovalley.orgRabbi & Rebbetzin Shimon & Chanie Gruzman(510) 342-9326 •Continue Reading
The lives of our forefathers, their travails, triumphs, and disappointments underpin the world’s conception of monotheism and human integrity. The exodus from Egypt and the forty year sojourn in the desert illuminate the eternal conflict between faith and egotism, corruption, debasement, and humility. By examining the lives and deeds ofContinue Reading
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